24 januari 2025


Politiek Incorrect

Arlington Road

Een zeer leuk thriller met goed acteerwerk van de main cast

Jeff Bridges is Michael Faraday, leerkracht die gespecialiseerd is in rechts-extremistische organisaties. Zijn leven gaat redelijk vlotjes alhoewel hij een milde vorm van paranoia heeft, en wanneer zijn nieuwe buren in zijn opinie zich toch wel vreemd gedragen begint zijn paranoia erger te worden. Hij verdenkt zijn vriendelijke buur Tom Robbins ervan een terrorist te zijn maar aangezien niemand hem gelooft begint hij dan maar zijn eigen onderzoek. De rest van zijn omgeving is er echter van overtuigd dat hij compleet aan het doordraaien is.

Onze opinie:
Arlington Road is een zeer leuk thriller met goed acteerwerk van de main cast waardoor je zonder probleem 113 minuten aan je stoel gekluisterd zal zitten. Verwacht er echter niet meer van want dan zou je wel eens bedrogen uit kunnen komen.

Arlington Road (1999) Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 117min | July 9, 1999 (United States) 7.2
Director: Mark PellingtonWriter: Ehren KrugerStars: Jeff Bridges, Tim Robbins, Joan CusackSummary: In suburban Reston, Virginia, George Washington University American History professor Michael Faraday is still mourning the death of his wife, FBI agent Leah Faraday, after three years. His inside knowledge of the agency colors what he teaches in his classes. Although on good terms with Leah's ex-partner, Whit Carver, and the agency in general, Michael wants the agency at least to acknowledge their responsibility in her death in the line of duty. Michael is moving on with his personal life, he being in a serious relationship with his former teaching assistant Brooke Wolfe. Although he likes Brooke, Michael and Leah's nine year old son, Grant Faraday, may not yet be quite ready for Brooke to be a permanent part of their lives. It is only in helping adolescent Brady Lang who he sees in medical distress that Michael meets his new neighbors, Oliver and Cheryl Lang, Brady's parents. In the process, Michael and Brooke becomes friends with the Langs, as Grant and Brady become friends. However, the more time that he spends with them and catches discrepancies in their stories, Michael becomes suspicious that the Langs may not be everything they appear on the surface. As such, Michael, against Brooke's concerns of invasion of the Lang's privacy, begins his own investigation of Oliver in particular. What Michael discovers has serious national security implications, as well as possible life threatening dangers to him, Brooke and Grant. —Huggo


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