De zorgeloze lastpost kapitein Jack Sparrow gaat in zee met de spookachtige Davy Jones en hoopt zo eeuwige verdoemenis te ontlopen
Onze opinie:
Meer van hetzelfde, niet beter of slechter dan de andere “Pirates”-films
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 151min | July 7, 2006 (United States)

Director: Gore VerbinskiWriter: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Stuart BeattieStars: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira KnightleySummary: Once again we're plunged into the world of sword fights and "savvy" pirates. Captain Jack Sparrow is reminded he owes a debt to Davy Jones, who captains the flying Dutchman, a ghostly ship, with a crew from hell. Facing the "locker" Jack must find the heart of Davy Jones but to save himself he must get the help of quick-witted Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan. If that's not complicated enough, Will and Elizabeth are sentenced to hang, unless Will can get Lord Cutler Beckett Jack's compass. Will is forced to join another crazy adventure with Jack. —kate Archie
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