Onze opinie:
Wat The Godfather was voor maffiafilms, is The Sopranos voor maffia-TV! Absolute top-tv met een geweldige cast die je zes seizoenen lang mee op sleeptouw nemen om de avonturen van Tony Soprano en zijn familie te beleven.
The Sopranos (1999)
Crime, Drama | 3300min | January 10, 1999 (United States)

Writer: David ChaseStars: James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Edie FalcoSummary: An innovative look at the life of fictional Mafia Capo Tony Soprano, this serial is presented largely first person, but additional perspective is conveyed by the intimate conversations Tony has with his psychotherapist. We see Tony at work, at home, and in therapy. Moments of black comedy intersperse this aggressive, adult drama, with adult language, and extreme violence. —ahmetkozan
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Landman – Seizoen 1
The Order (2024)
Land of Bad